The Wild Party

Thursday, March 11, 2010

First Read-Thru/Sing-Thru

Pretty damn exciting! Wow - you could just feel the excitement and the energy in the air at rehearsal on Tuesday night. It was our first read-thru of the script (which there isn't much of), and our first sing-thru of the whole show. Until now, we haven't heard much from the leads (they have been learning music off on their own with Scott) - so we were all anxious to hear. And we were all quiet impressed...which made us even more excited to be on this journey of "The Wild Party".

There is A LOT going on in this show and it's time to start focusing even more than before. It's non-stop. Sure it slows down for us in Act 2 a bit...but Act 1 is a whirlwind. By intermission I don't even know if the audience will know what hit them - so much to take in. So much to process. In fact, I don't know if I still know everything that is hitting me in Act 1. I do know; however, that I will be making out with Theresa at one point during Nikki's AMAZING that's worth the price of admission right there, right?! (Theresa don't act like you're not excited...that we have to kiss...yet again).

Basically I left rehearsal on Tuesday night totally excited about everything - even more so than before - and I need to count my beats in the music even more so than before! Nevertheless, the show is in a really good spot at this point - and we have so much to go. We just keep layering it on, and tonight we continue those layers with our first blocking rehearsal of the first 22 pages (or so). I'm so pumped to get this on it's feet and begin building the characters and the story!

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