The Wild Party

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rehearsal Withdrawal

I haven't had rehearsal since last Thursday. LAST Thursday! Can you believe that?! I am going through terrible withdrawal. No rehearsal for a week is totally understandable, though. We never have rehearsals on Fridays or Saturdays, and Sunday we had a week off from choreography due to Robin being in a tap cabaret the night before (which was fabulous, by the way). Monday night was the fifth annual Kevin Kline Awards - recognizing professional theatre in St. Louis. Tuesday night was just the four leads, we always have Wednesday nights off...and that brings us to tonight! FINALLY!

Although, I am a bit worried about tonight. I haven't been feeling so well lately. A lot of sinus stuff, a lot of throat stuff, a lot of coughing. I think I'm finally getting better though. It probably didn't help that I had a great time at the Kevin Kline Awards on Monday night. I had the honor of being invited to the awards by Ron Gibbs and I had a blast. It was so great to see so many theatre people from around town and re-connect and feel the energy of the room as everyone was there because of the same love and passion. Needless to say, Mara and Mike (both in "The Wild Party" with me - had a great night...and morning. We stayed out until 3 a.m. Networking with other theatre folk, of course! As a result, I took last night to stay-in and rest my body and my voice.

Speaking of tonight, I need to get back in "The Wild Party" frame of mind. People were buzzing about the show on Monday night and I was excited to talk about - even though it's been a week. I need to really get focused and realize what we have ahead of us. Tonight is Act 2. We are tackling it for the first time. Act 2 is mostly the four leads...but we have a lot to do towards the middle to the end of the act. It will be interesting to see if we actually leave stage during this act or not (we're always on stage in Act 1).

It will be good to see everyone too. In fact, we have even planned a 'drinks after rehearsal' thing tonight. I sent out an email earlier in the week to the cast to see if people wanted to do this, and they overwhelmingly responded yes. We all really like one another and haven't really hung out as a group outside rehearsal, so tonight will be fun. I still haven't decided where - I guess I better figure that out. Ugh. Nevertheless, rehearsal withdrawal will be non-existent in a few hours!

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